Ozark Handspun News

Artisan-crafted homespun yarn made in Missouri, USA.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pattern: McKenzie's Swing Coat

This simple top-down raglan style design suits all ages. Be Creative! Have fun with color!

For approximate measurements and yarn requirements, please refer to sizing chart at end of pattern.
Size: Child Sizes: 2 (4,6,8,10); Adult Sizes: 4 (6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20)
Yarns: Yarn by Ozark Handspun - 34 yds; Bulk Weight yarn to obtain gauge such as: Bear Creek by Kraemer Yarns; Burly Spun by Brown Sheep; or Magnum by Cascade Yarns

1 set US size 17--24 inch or longer circular knitting needles
1 set US size 17--16 inch circular knitting needles for sleeves if worked in the round
1 US size J or K crochet hook
Stitch Markers and Stitch Holders
3--8 Odd Ball Buttons measuring between 5/8 and 1 1/4 inches

Gauge: 2 stitches per inch on size 17 needle or size to obtain gauge
Techniques you will use in this pattern and additional pattern notes: Garment is raglan style worked top down, back and forth in stst (knit 1 row, purl 1 row) throughout on a circular needle.
Crochet Picot Edge=*2 sc, ch 3, sl st in 1st ch; repeat from * to end.
Increase=M1L&M1R or you can use any increase method you want.
Knit Picot Bind Off=BO 2 sts, *slip st back from right hand needle to left hand needle, use cable cast on method, cast on 3 sts, then BO 5 sts; repeat from * to end of row. BO last st.
Loop Stitch Row=*K1, leaving stitch on left needle; bring yarn to front between needles; wrap around left thumb; move yarn to back between needles; knit the stitch again; slip stitch from left needle to right needle; lift 2nd stitch on right needle over last stitch worked as if to BO. Repeat from * across row.
Garment can easily be altered: garment length, degree of the swing, sleeve width and length or use of yarn throughout.
Abbreviations: BO=bind off; Ch=chain; CO=cast on; K=knit; K2tog=knit 2 together; MC=main color; M1L=make one left; M1R=make one right; pm=place marker; P=purl; rm=remove marker; sc=single crochet; st st=slip stitch; sm=slip marker; SSK=slip slip knit; st(s)=stitch(es); stst=stockinette stitch

To begin: Refer to sizing chart for number of CO sts.
For Size:__ CO __ sts. Do not join in the round.
Set Up Row (RS): Refer to sizing chart for number of back & sleeve sts. K1, pm, K1 (seam st), pm, K____ (sleeve sts), pm, K1 (seam st), pm, K_____ (back sts), pm, k1 (seam st), pm, K_____ (sleeve sts), pm, K1 (seam st), pm, K1. Turn and work one purl row. (WS)
Yoke: Working back and forth in stst, inc 8 sts on each RS row using the Yoke Increase until armhole measures from neckline to underarm or to desired length.
Yoke Increase Row (RS): *K to marker, M1L, sm, K1 (seam st), sm, M1R*; repeat from * to * to end of row.
Once armhole measures desired length, on a RS row, knit front panel sts to marker, rm, K1 (seam st), sm, (represents the center side seam), slip sleeve sts onto a st holder, rm, K1, rm, K back sts up to next marker, rm, K1, rm, sl 2nd sleeve sts onto another st holder, sm (center side seam), K1 rm, K to end. The seam sts are now part of your bodice. Turn and purl one row. (WS)
For Child Sizes: Continue working back and forth, increasing 4 sts on each RS row following the Bodice Increase until piece measures pattern or desired length less 2 1/2 inches.
For Adult Sizes: Work in stst for approximately 4 inches or desired length and at the same time shape the back. To Shape Back: Divide number of sts for back (between side seam markers) by 3. You may end up with an odd number of sts. Simply add the extra st(s) to the center of back. Example: 14, 15, 14. Work 1/3 of sts for back, pm, SSK. Work the next 1/3 less two sts, K2tog, pm. Decrease after & before markers on next 2-4 RS rows. Once garment measures 4 inches from underarm, increase on RS every 4th row using the Bodice Increase until piece measures pattern length or desired length less 2 1/2 inches.
Bodice Increase Row (RS): *K to marker, M1L, sm, M1R*; repeat from * to * to end of row.
Ozark Trim: Join in Ozark and work in stst for 2 inches, ending with a WS row.
Picot Bind Off: Join in MC or a contrasting color as an accent yarn. RS row: BO2, *slip st from right needle to left needle, CO 3 sts using cable cast on method, BO5; repeat * to end. BO last st.
Sleeves: Slip sleeve sts from holder onto needle. Work back and forth in stst until piece measures desired sleeve length less 2 1/2 inches. If working in the round, pick up 3 sts along underarm to eliminate the armhole opening.
For a narrow, dec 1 st at beginning and end of RS row or on either side of center seam st. Join in Ozark yarn and work in stst for 2 inches ending with a WS row. Join in MC or accent yarn, repeat Picot Bind Off as for body.
Right Side Button Band: Right side band is slightly wider than left side band. Using Ozark yarn and with RS facing, pick p and knit 1 st every other row along the front right panel starting at the hem. Work in stst for 2 inches or to desired width ready for a RS row.
Crochet Picot Bind Off: Working around the base of the button band, insert crochet hook and join in MC or accent yarn with sl st where Picot ends for hemline. *2 sc, che, sl st into 1st chain of ch3*, repeat from * to * to first st on left needle. at 1st st on needle, using hook, slip st knitwise off needle and work as part of a sc. Continue to work Picot Bind off, working 1 st at a time off the needle.
Left Side Button Band: Using Ozark, MC or contrasting color and with RS facing, pick up and knit 1 st every other row along the front left panel starting at the neckline edge. Work in stst for 2 inches or desired width ready for a RS row. Using MC or contrasting color, repeat the crochet Picot Bind off.
Finishing: Sew sleeve seams using mattress seam. Place buttons randomly down left button band and fasten.
With crochet hook, and beginning at the upper corner of the right button band, *2 sc, ch3, st st in 1st ch; repeat from * to end of neckline. Fasten off. If adding the full collar, work picot edging along the tops of the button bands.
Optional Full Collar: With RS facing, pick up & K around neckline for collar. Work the loop sts row for approximately 6-8 rows or desired fullness. BO loosely with MC. Tack collar in place to even distribute the weight of the collar.
Loop Stitch Row: *K1, leaving stitch on left needle; bring yarn to front between needles; wrap around left thumb; move yarn to back between needles; knit the stitch again; slip stitch from left needle to right needle; lift 2nd stitch on right needle over last stitch worked as if to BO. Repeat from * across row.

Size --Coat ---CO --Front --Sleeve --Back ----MC ------Ozark ------Ozark
------Length ------& Back ------------------Approx. ---Approx. ----Add for
------inches -------Panel ------------------Yds/skein -Yds/skein --Full Collar
2t ----18 -----18 ----1 --------2 ------8 ----236/2 -------34/1 -------2
4t ----19 -----18 ----1 -------2 -------8 ----280/2 -------34/1 -------2
6 -----20 ----24 ----1 -------4 ------10 ----300/2 -------34/1 -------2
8 -----22 -----24 ---1 -------4 ------10 ----347/3 -------68/2 -------3
10 ---24 -----26 ----1 -------4 ------12 ----394/3 -------68/2 -------3
Adult Sizes
4 ----26 -----26 ----1 -------4 ------12 -----449/4 -------68/2 ------3
6 ----28 -----26 ----1 -------4 ------12 -----556/4 ------102/3 ------3
8 ----29 -----26 ----1 -------4 ------12 -----599/5 -----102/3 -------3
10 --30 ------26 ----1 ------4 -------12 -----662/5 -----102/3 ------3
12 ---31 -----28 ----1 ------4 -------14 -----678/5 -----102/3 -------3
14 ---32 -----28 ----1 ------4 -------14 -----727/6 -----136/4 -------3
16 ---33 -----28 ----1 ------4 -------14 -----786/6 -----136/4 -------3
18 ---34 -----28 ----1 ------4 -------14 -----815/6 -----136/4 -------3
20 --34 ------34 ----1 ------6 -------16 -----850/7 -----136/4 -------3
Select a size on the smaller side as this garment will stretch some.
These amounts are estimates only.
Allow additional yardage if enlarging pattern in any way.
Due to the nature & variance in color of Ozark Handspun yarns, it is strongly recommended to purchase enough skeins of the same yarn at the same time as each batch is truly unique and no two skeins are alike.
Due to the approximate yards of Ozark Handspun yarns of 34 yards, you may want to purchase an additional skein of yarn, just so you do not run short.
designed by Donna Higgins, In the Making, LLC, http://www.shopknits.com/, 2006
Printing Instructions: To print click McKenzie's Swing Coat.

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Pattern: Ozark Circle Jacket

Sizes: Small (medium, large)
Finished Bust: 36 inches (38,40)

5 Skeins Ozark Handspun Opulent, 50 yds/100g
3 Skeins Tahki Donegal Tweed worsted weight, 183 yds/100g (three different colors if desired)
1 US size10 24 inch circular knitting needles
1 US size 10 47 inch circular knitting needles
1 US size 10 double pointed knitting needles (DPN)
1 US size N crochet hook
stitch markers
waste yarn

Note: To create larger sizes, measure your shoulder width across the back and divide by two. this will be the measurement needed before establishing armholes using waste yarn. For example, if your back measures 22 inches (or whatever your measurement is) from armhole to armhole, work to 11 inches (or whatever your measurement is) from the center and then shape armholes. Continue circle, increasing as previously until piece measures 22 inches (or whatever your measurement is) from the center. When binding off, do so loosely.
This circular vest is worked from the center, beginning with the use of DPNs and changing to longer circular needles as required. If making a larger vest, you may need a 60 inch long size 10 circular needle to accommodate all stitches on needles.

Increases: increase 1 knitwise or increase 1 purlwise
Abbreviations: CO=cast on; BO=bind off; k=knit; p=purl; inc=increase; dec=decrease; DPN=double pointed needles; sts=stitches; pm=place marker; sm=slip marker.

Using size 10 DPNs, CO 8 sts on one of the DPNs.
Rnd 1: K in front and back of every st-16. Divide onto four needles. Join, being careful not to twist sts and pm (this will be beginning of round marker so make sure it is of a different color than other markers used.)
Rnd 2: *k1, inc1 k st, repeat from * resulting in 6 sts per needle.
Rnd 3: Knit to end of rnd.
Rnd 4: *k1, inc1, repeat from * to end of rnd - 9 sts per needle.
Rnd 5: Knit to end of rnd.
Rnd 6: *K1, inc1, repeat from * to end of rnd - 12 sts per needle.
Rnd 7: Knit, placing a marker every 6th st. Each needle will have two sections.
Rnd 8: *K1, inc1, repeat from * to end of rnd.
Rnd 9: Knt to end of rnd.
Rnds 10-14: Repeat rnds 8 & 9, switching to 24 inch circular needles when able. Piece should measure about 3 inches from center at this point. Add new color at beginning or next rnd, cutting previous color yarn. IMPORTANT NOTE: From this point on, increases will continue every other rnd, once in the segment between two markers (eight sections.)
Rnd 15: *P1, inc 1 purlwise, repeat from * to end of rnd.
Rnd 16: Purl to end of rnd.
At this point, you will continue to increase every other rnd for approximately 2 2/3 inches. Switch to third color at this point. Then purl two rnds.
*K1, inc 1, repeat from * to end of round. Knit to end of next round. Continue in this matter for approximately 2 1/2 inches and then cut this yarn and change colors as you desire.
Continue increasing every other round until piece measures approximately 10 inches from center. On the next round without increases leave yarn attached but just hanging there. Now, using waste yarn, knit stitches of first segment from beginnng of round marker. Place these stitches back onto the left needle and pick up original yarn and continue knitting the waste yarn stitches. Knit the next segment (between two markers.) Again, using waste yarn, knit stitches of the next segment between two markers, slip waste stitches back onto left needle and picking up original yarn continue knitting the waste yarn stitches. Knit remaining segments of this round. Measurement from armhole to armhole should be approximately 20 inches.
Continue knitting as before, increasing 1 stitch in each segment every other round until piece measures about two inches from armhole. At beginning of round, switch to Ozark Handspun and continue knitting as before increasing every other round until piece measures about 3 1/2 inches.
Switch back to one of the previous tweed colors and continue knitting as before until piece measures about 10 inches from armhole. Loosely BO sts. Using US size N crochet hook with Ozark Handspun, single crochet around outer edge of circle. Fasten off and bury ends.
Finishing: Using DPNs and carefully removing waste yarn, pick up and knit the armhole stitches with tweed yarn for one row and then loosely bind off. Fasten off and bury ends.
Your finished garment may require a light blocking before wearing. You may add a button if desired or use a shawl pin as a closure.

designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, May 2008

Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Circle Jacket.

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Pattern: Ozark Knit Cap and Wristlets

Daughter-in-law Lori with daughter Rylee wearing two different colorways

Description: This crazy hat and wristlet set are a quick and easy knit that results in a flattering look for anyone with the bonus of keeping you warm on a cold day.
Skill Level: Easy
Size: Medium, Large
MATERIALS: 1 Skein Ozark Handspun Yarn
1 Skein Rowan Big Wool
1 Set US size 15 19 inch circular knitting needles
1 US size P crochet hook
1 Tapestry Needle
stitch marker
Hat: Ribbing - Using US size 15 circular needles and Rowan, cast on 36 (40) stitches. Join stitches making sure not to twist yarn, place beginning of row marker.
Row 1: *Knit 2, purl 2, prepat from * to end of row.
Rows 2-16: Repeat row 1. Cut yarn and attach Ozark Handspun.
Rows 17-19: Knit.
Row 20: *Knit 5, knit 2 together, repeat from * to end of row.
Row 21: Knit.
Row 22: *Knit 4, knit 2 together, repeat from * to end of row.
Row 23: Knit.
Row 24: *Knit 3, knit 2 together, repeat from * to end of row.
Row 25: Knit.
Row 26: *Knit 5, knit 2 together, repeat from * to end of row.
Row 27: Knit.
Row 28: Knit, decreasing evenly throughout this row to end up with approximately 10 stitches.
Cut yarn leaving about 8 inches for weaving through the remaining stitches by pulling them through with a crochet hook (if a smaller hook is easier to use for you do so.) Fasten off and bury ends.
Wristlets: Using Us size 15 circular needles and Rowan yarn, cast on 16 stitches.
Row 1: *Knti 2, purl 2, repeat from * until end of row.
Row 2 (WS): *Purl 2, knit 2, repeat from * until end of row.
Rows 3-16: Repeat rows 1 and 2.
Row 17: Loosely bind off in knit-wise fashion. Break off yarn and leave a 5 inch tail.
Knit a second wristlet in the same fashion.
Finishing: Using a tapestry needle and Rowan, tail, sew wrong size edges tohether for about 1 inch. Fasten off and bury ends.
Leaving an opening for the thumb, sew remainder of wristlet together using Rowan. Fasten off and bury ends. Do the same for the other wristlet.
Cuff Edging: Using US size P crochet hook and Ozark Handspun, cingle crochet one or two rows around upper edge of wristlet. Fasten off and bury ends.
designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, December 2007
Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Knit Cap and Wristlets.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pattern: Ozark Handspun Eco-Capelet

This was featured in the Spring/Summer 2008 issue of Vogue Knitting in their Natural Selection Section

Short Description: This charming little capelet is knitted using Ozark Handspun Yarn in Dark Natural and natural roving which are eco-friendly products. A recycled leather pin was used as a whimsical closure.
Skill Level: Easy
Sizes: One Size fits most.
Finished Measurements: Approximately 43 inches wide by 22 inches long.
Gauge: 1.5 stitches per inch in Stockinette St.
Abbreviations: CO=cast on; K=knit; P=purl; BO=bind off; RS=right side; WS=wrong side; sc=single crochet; dc=double crochet.
Notes or tips: When casting on and binding off, keep tension loose. When crocheting edging, use a relaxed tension.

3 Skeins Ozark Handspun Yarn
1 Roll Ozark Handspun Pencil Roving
1 Pair US size 15 Circular knitting needles, 24 inches
1 US size Q crochet hook
1 Recycled pin for closure

Holding one strand of Ozark Handspun pencil roving and one strand of Ozark Handspun together, loosely cast on three stitches.
Row 1: (WSW) Purl.
Row 2: (RS) Increase in first stitch, knit to last stitch. Increase in last stitch.
Rows 3-22: Repeat rows 1 and 2.
Rows 23-26: Increase one stitch at beginning and end of each row.
Row 27: Knit this row until there are 12 stitches remaining.
Row 28: Purl this row until there are 12 stitches remaining.
Row 29: Knit the stitches between the 12 stitches on each end of row.
Row 30: Purl the stitches between the 12 stitches on each end of row.
Row 31: Knit to the end of row (including 12 stitches at end.)
Row 32: Purl to end of row (including 12 stitches at end.)
Row: Break off Ozark Handspun yarn and with remaining strand of Ozark pencil roving, very loosely bind off. Fasten off and bury end.
Crocheted Edging: Using US size Q crochet hook and with wide edge of capelet facing you, attach Ozark Handspun at the corner edge. Chain 2, *dc into next stitch, dc twice into next stitch, repeat from * across to end. This will create a collar for your capelet.
Leaving yarn attached, sc into each stitch around the two edges remaining to finish off. Fasten off and bury ends. Use a recycled pin of your choice to ace as a closure.

designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, January 2008

Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Handspun Eco Capelet.

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Pattern: Ozark Knitted Neckwarmer

1 Skein Ozark Handspun Yarn or Ozark Handspun Opulent
1 Pair US size 17 knitting needles
1 Large button
1 Needle and thread

Abbreviations: K=knit; p=purl; k2tog=knit 2 together; c0=cast on; b0=bind off; st(s)=stitch(es)
Gauge: Ozark Handspun Yarn=1.5 sts per inch; Ozark Handspun Opulent=3 sts per inch

Using US size 17 needles, co 14 sts loosely. This neckwarmer is knitted in garter stitch.
Knit each row until neckwarmer measures approximately 10 inches.
Next row: k2tog, knit to the last two sts and k2tog (12 sts.)
Continue knitting until skein is almost gone (saving enough to bind off.) Loosely bo. Fasten off and bury ends.
Finishing: Because of the size of needles used and gauge of yarn, no buttonhole is required. attach button to narrow end of the neckwarmer with needle and thread. Slip button through wider end in area that gives you a perfect fit.

designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, March 2008

Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Knitted Neck Warmer.

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Pattern: Ozark Crocheted Curly Wool Hat

Our daughter-in-law, Lori and son, JT posing in Ozark Crocheted Curly Wool hats with their daughter, Rylee .
1 Skein Ozark Handspun Yarn (100g/34yd)
1 Skein Manos del Uruguay (139yd)--you can also knit from your stash using your worsted weight yarn of choice as I did here.
1 US size Q crochet hook
1 US size K crochet hook

Size: One size fits most but can be sized as explained instructions.
Abbreviations: Ch=chain; sc=single crochet; dc=double crochet; sl st=slip stitch; st(s)=stitch(es); tog=together

Top: Using US size Q crochet hook and Ozark Handspun, ch3 and sl st tog to form a ring.
Round 1: Ch3, sc 10 sts into the center ring, sl st tog into top of ch3 to join.
Round 2: Ch3, *dc into next st, dc2 into next st, repeat from * to end of round, sl to tog into top of ch3 to join.
Round 3: Ch3, *dc into next 3 sts, dc2 into next st, repeat from * to end of round, sl st tog into top of ch3 to join.
Round 4: Ch3, *dc into next 5 sts, dc2 into next st, repeat from * to end of round, sl st tog into top of ch3 to join.
Repeat round 4 until you have used up the skein of yarn. Do not be concerned that the shape is perfect as this is what gives the hat charm.
Band: Now, changing to Manos or other worsted weight yarn of choice and using US size K crochet hook, attach yarn, ch2, *sc into next st, skip 1, sc into next st, repeat from * to end of round. Sl st tog into top of ch2 to join. At this point, the hat will begin shaping for fit. This will be controlled by how many decreases are done in subsequent rows. Take care not to get the fit too tight, you should be able to comfortably insert two fingers between the band. Once you are satisfied with the fit, cintinue in the following manner.
Next Rows: Sc evenly for each round for approximately ten rows. Make sure the hat hits just below the top of your ears as that will make for a comfortable fit and also allow you to pull it down when it is cold outside. Cut yarn, fasten off and bury ends.

designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, December 2007

Printing Instructions: To print click
Ozark Crocheted Curly Wool Hat.

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Pattern: Ozark Wrap

4 Skeins Ozark Handspun Yarn
1 Pair US Size 35 knitting needles
1 US Size N crochet hook

Measurements: Put your arms down at your side and measure from the center of your chest around your arms and back to the center of your chest. Subtract 2-3 inches from this measurement to get your length. Width is 21 inches.

Cast on 24 or the number of sts necessary for 21 inches. Knit to the measurement of your chest. This needs to be a little snug so I would recommend pinning it before casting off to check the fit. Bind off loosely.
Finishing: Weave short ends together. With an N crochet hook, crochet around the top of the wrap to bring it in slightly. this is very cute worn slightly off one shoulder. So easy and so chic!

Designed by Carol Porter for Ozark Handspun, November 2007

Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Wrap.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pattern: Ozark Mobius Shawl

4 Skeins Ozark Handspun yarn in different, coordinating colorways
1 Set US Size 35 24 inch circular knitting needles
1 Set US Size 19 24 inch circular knitting needles

Using US Size 35 needles, cast on 50 loose stitches. Place marker on last st. Join forming circle.Change color. Seed stitch 49 stitches. Twist chain one-half turn. Knit 1 st. Change color. *Seed stitch 50 stitches. Change color. Repeat from * until 3 colors are finished.
Last row: Cast of 25 stitches. Switch to US Size 19 needles, cast of remainder tightly forming neckline.

Designed by David Gentzsch for Ozark Handspun, October 2007

Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Mobius Shawl.

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