Ozark Handspun News

Artisan-crafted homespun yarn made in Missouri, USA.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pattern: Ozark Apple Peel Sweater

Description of design: This concept for a sweater is based on an apple peeling. This look is achieved by creating two scarves and then wrapping them around your body ending up with a very hip and well-fitting sweater (with or without sleeves.)

Skill Level: Easy
Sizes: Small to large depending on how you drape the scarves and your body shape before sewing together.

4 (4,5) Skeins Ozark Handspun for small size (medium,large)
2 (2,3) different worsted weight yarns of your choice
1 pair US Size 17-19 inch circular knitting needles
1 pair US Size 35 knitting needles
1 US Size P crochet hook
Stitch markers
Measuring tape
Stitch holder
Tapestry Needle

Note: When switching between worsted weight yarns knitted on size 17 needles and Ozark Handspun knitted on US Size 35 needles, you will have 20 stitches in worsted weight and 10 stitches in Ozark Handspun. Note this in instructions.

Using US Size 17 needles and one of the worsted weight yarns, cast on 20 stitches, knit 6 rows, break off yarn and add second worsted weight yarn, knit 4 rows, break off yarn.
Change to US Size 35 needles and add Ozark Handspun, knit 2 together across row (you will now have 10 stitches on needles. Knit 2 rows with Ozark Handspun, break off yarn. Change back to US Size 17 needles and using one of the worsted weight yarns, knit, increasing in each stitch until there are 20 stitches on needle. Continue in this manner until you have a piece measuring approximately 65 inches, bind off loosely, break off yarn. Fasten off and bury ends.
Using the US Size P crochet hook, single crochet around edge of scarf. Fasten off and bury ends.
In the same fashion, create a second scarf. When on last row, place the remaining 20 stitches on a holder and break off yarn. When crocheting around edge leave this area undone as this will allow adjustments in fit and drape of sweaters later.
Finishing: Take scarves and place finished ends of scarves on your shoulders with longer length down your back. Pin each of these pieces at point where you desire neckline in front. Now, take the finished scarf and begin to drape around your body at a diagonal angle (having a friend help makes this whole process easier.) Pin in place. Wrap second scarf around your body lining it up with the first scarf in terms of edges meeting and pin as you go. You will end up with a little "fishtail" effect in the back which can be lessened or added to where you have left the stitches on the holder. When it has the desired effect, finish off that area of the scarf. Whip stitch these scarves together on the diagonal and at the neckline areas. Using Ozark Handspun, single crochet around the neckline and (if you desire a sleeveless sweater) around the sleeve openings.
In the event you desire sleeves, using US Size 17 needles and worsted weight yarn, pick up an even number of stitches around sleeve openings (count these on each sleeve opening before beginning as they may vary a bit and will require either a few increases or a few decreases to match them up so keep this in mind.) Join stitches being careful not to twist them, place beginning of row marker and knit until sleeve is length desired. Bind off loosely and bury ends. Using US Size P crochet hook and Ozark Handspun, single crochet a row around edge of sleeve. Slip stitch together and fasten off and bury ends.

Designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, December 2007

Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Apple Peel Sweater.

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Pattern: Ozark Fashion Capelet

Description: This is a charming fashion accessory designed to cover the shoulders and feature a millinery flower or great vintage pin as a closure.

Skill Level: Easy
Size: One size fits most.

3 Skeins Ozark Handspun yarn
1 set US Size 15-24 inch circular knitting needles
1 US Size Q crochet hook
Several stitch markers
1 Fastener-millinery flower pin, shawl pin, vintage pin or other type of your choosing

Cast on 10 stitches using US Size 15-24 inch circular needles and Ozark Handspun yarn.
(WS) Row 1: Purl.
(RS) Row 2: Increase in first stitch, knit across until one stitch remains, increase last stitch.
Rows 3-21: Repeat rows 1 and 2.
Rows 22-25: Increase once in each row at beginnng and end of row.
Row 26: Knit until 12 stitches reamin, place marker.
Row 27: Purl back until 12 stitches remain, place marker.
Row 28: Knit stitches between the markers.
Row 29: Purl stitches between the markers.
Row 30: Knit to end of row, removing marker.
Row 31: Purl to end of row, removing marker.
Bind off loosely. Break off yarn and bury ends.
Collar: Using US Size Q crochet hook, with wide edge of capelet facing you, attach yarn at corner edge. Chain 2, * double crochet into next stitch, double crochet twice into next stitch, repeat from * across to end. Leave yarn attached and single crochet around remainder of capelet ending up where you initially attached the yarn. Fasten off and bury ends.
Finishing: Make sure all your ends are fastened off and buried. Next, use millinery flower pin, shawl pin or vintage pin to fasten front together.

designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, January 2008

Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Fashion Capelet.

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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Pattern: Ozark Shruglet

Description: This shruglet/sweater is a wonderfully quick knit using Ozark Handspun and Noro Silk Garden. It is easily sized to fit most figure types.
Skill Level: Easy
Sizes: Small to Large
Finished Measurements: Small-40x39 inches; medium-50x39 inches; large-63x39 inches. These are approximate measurements as gauge is not that critical in this garment.
Gauge: Approximately 1 and one-half stitches per inch in both yarns.

4 (4,5) Skeins Ozark Handspun Yarn
1 (1,1) Skein Noro Silk Garden
1 Set US Size 15 24-inch circular needles
1 Set US Size 15 19-inch circular needles
1 US Size P Crochet hook
1 Shawl pin or decorative closure
1 Measuring tape
1 pair scissors
1 Tapestry needle
Stitch markers

Notes or tips: When knitting, cast on and bind off in a relaxed fashion. When knitting with the Noro, knit loosely as you want to have a very open lacy look to the sleeves.

Body: Using Size 15 24-inch circular needles and Ozark Handspun, cast on 60 (66,70) st.
(Wrong side) Row 1: Knit across.
(Right side) Row 2: Purl across.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 three times (reverse stockinette stitch) ending on the wrong side.
(Right side) Continue knitting in stockinette fashion until piece measures approximately 18 inches.
Repeat reverse stockinette stitch as above until piece measures approximately 20 inches.
Bind off loosely on right side of knitting. Fasten off and bury ends.
Sleeves: Find the center of the body of shruglet and place a marker. Using size 15 19-inch circular needles and Noro, pick up 30 stitches from the right edge of garment for all sizes (small ending at center marker, medium 3 stitches before cetner marker and large 5 stitches before cernter marker.) Join stitches being careful not to twist them, place beginning of row marker.
Knit in circular fashion until sleeve measures approximately 13 inches. At this point, you will decrease evenly in this row to end up with 27 stitches on needles (for all sizes.) Continue knitting until piece measures approximately 16 inches and decrease evenly in this row to end up with 22 stitches on needles (for all sizes.) Loosely bind off.
Create a second sleeve in similar fashion beginning from the center marker when making a size small (medium 3 stitches to the left of center marker, large 5 stitches to the left side of center marker) and ending at the left edge of body of garment. When sleeve is complete, bind off.
Using remaining Ozark Handspun, single crochet two rows at sleeve edge. Fasten off and bury ends. For the stitches between the sleeves at the back of shruglet body, fill in with one row of single crochet using Ozark Handspun. Fasten off and bury ends.
At this point, make sure all your ends are buried and add a wonderful millinery flower or shawl pin as a fastener.

Designed by Janice Rosema for Ozark Handspun, December 2007

Printing Instructions: To print click Ozark Shruglet.

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